Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Is it a comedy or horror show?

Most days if you were to read about my daily activities it would bore you to tears. Today my day has been somewhere between a horror show and a comedy.

My morning started out like any other. I got up and fixed breakfast for the kids. Then while I was fixing my breakfast, Adam spilled his entire cup of strawberry milk all over the floor. I stopped what I was doing and wiped up the mess. Then, I pulled out the mop to finish the job. After that was cleaned up, I went back to my breakfast. A few minutes later, Tyler threw his Cheerios all over the floor. Again, I stopped what I was doing and got down on my hands and knees to clean up his mess. Shortly after I finished my breakfast, Tyler reached up and grabbed Adam's bowl of Cheerios and dumped the whole bowl on the floor. I went back into "clean-up" mode.

By this time, I seriously needed a few minutes to myself. So, I put my running clothes on and went to the basement for a short run on the treadmill. It felt great. After I showered and got myself ready, it was time to get the kids dressed for swimming lessons. First, I tracked down Tyler. I started taking his pajamas off and a rather large handful of Cheerios spilled out. I tried to attach a picture, but Blogger isn't cooperating. The kid had Cheerios indentations on his feet from all the cereal at the bottom of his pajamas. Next, I went to track down Miss Sadie to get her dressed. I walked into her room and was horrified to find blue crayon scribbles all over the tan carpet. I about had a heart attack. I wanted to get to work on cleaning right away, but it was almost time to leave for swimming lessons. So, I got Sadie dressed and went to check on Adam to make sure he was ready. Fortunately, he was. It was time leave.

I sat everyone on the floor to get shoes on, and Sadie informed me she had to go potty. So I ran her into the bathroom. When she finished, I helped her off the potty and pulled her swimming suit up. While I was doing that, Tyler grabbed a Barbie dress Sadie had been holding onto and threw it in the toilet. Sadie screamed, "It's ruined!" Then, she began to cry. I promised to wash it later, and I hurried all the kids out to the car. Sadie sobbed most of the way to swimming lessons.

Well, we made to to swimming lessons and back without any disasters. As soon as we got home, I started fixing lunch and got the kids up to the table to eat. Adam said the blessing with Tyler screaming in the background because he was hungry. As soon as "amen" was said, Adam grabbed his cup of juice and ...... accidentally spilled it all over the floor. It would be funny if it wasn't true. I gave Tyler a bite of sandwich and ran to get towels to soak up the mess. Then, after giving Tyler another bite, I ran upstairs to get the mop to finish the job.

Adam is at school now, and I am taking a short break from cleaning crayon out of the carpet. Then I need to get that Barbie dress in the washing machine. Hopefully the rest of the day is smooth sailing. One thing I know for sure: Adam will be drinking water for dinner. :)

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