It's been a busy two weeks at the Wolf House. Adam and Sadie have had swimming lessons 4 days a week. Adam also started soccer practice twice a week and has school five days a week. On top of that, I've been planting my garden, weeding the raspberry patch, trying to stay on top on the housework, and fitting in short runs whenever I can (marathon season is almost here and I'm not ready!).
Today was the last day of swimming lessons. Adam and Sadie have come a long way in two weeks. They're not ready to progress to the next class quite yet, but I'm proud of what they've been able to accomplish. Adam can now float on his back and kick his legs without help. Sadie isn't quite there yet, but she's close. They both have issues getting their faces wet, but they have been able to go completely under water, which is a huge improvement from day 1 of class. Today after demonstrating what they have learned, they were able to go play on the water slide until class was over. They had a blast. When it was time to go home, they were both pretty sad and asked if I would please sign them up for more swimming lessons. :)
So, it looks like we may be spending more time at the Aquatic Center when I can find an opening in lessons that will work with our schedule. In the meantime, I have got to find Miss Sadie a new swimming suit. One-piece swimming suits on little girls are too impracticle. Sadie ended her two-week swimming course with a perfect record of interrupting class every day to go potty. Don't get me wrong...I'm happy she is potty trained. It's just a little hard to run her into the locker room in the middle of every class and pull that wet swimming suit down over her body when I have a wiggly little boy that is struggling to get out of my grasp and run away. What she needs is a cute tankini that covers her belly and has matching bottoms. Oh, and a bigger bladder would be nice.
I'm excited they had such a good experience